It is with great pleasure to announce that we have added liquidity on PancakeSwap for the LAYER/BNB liquidity pool, that’s right! you can now trade your LAYER tokens on Binance Smart Chain!
We’ve added the initial liquidity for the LAYER/BNB Liquidity pool:
196 BNB ($52,237)
33,000 LAYER ($52,237)
How to swap your ERC-20 LAYER to BSC Easily
If you have ERC-20 LAYER and would like to swap over to BSC LAYER to add liquidity or trade on PancakeSwap please follow these instructions:
Step 1: Go to the MultiChain Bridge
Step 2: Connect your metamask wallet and make sure you have selected ETH MAINNET
Step 3: Input the amount of LAYER (ERC-20) you would like to swap over to BSC — It will be sent to the same wallet address that you currently have on Ethereum over to Binance Smart Chain (the address will always remain the same, you will need to switch between networks later)
Step 4: Click transfer and let the bridge do the magic!
Step 5: Add the LAYER (BSC) token contract on your metamask with the following token address:
0xc2c23a86def9e9f5972a633b3d25f7ecbfa5e575 (you will also need this token address to find the LAYER pair on PancakeSwap later)
If you don’t know how to add Binance Smart Chain network to your metamask you can read this great article written by Binance Academy here:
Beware that people can create fake versions of LAYER for trading on PancakeSwap, just as they can on Uniswap. Always ensure that you’re trading the real LAYER tokens.
You can now enjoy low trading fees on Binance Smart Chain when you trade your LAYER tokens!
App website: