Unilayer V2 Beta testing progress update & two surprise products announcement

4 min readJan 26, 2021


Dear Unilayer Community,

We’re excited to provide you with some great news and an update in regards of Unilayer V2, our private beta has been live for a few weeks now, we have a small group of private beta testers that have been providing great feedback to improve the User Experience and User Interface for the V2 platform. We have taken that feedback and implemented the suggested features and have improved the overall User Experience and load times to the app, we have made great progress and we think we’re ready to launch in a few days.

We know you’re all anxious for the Unilayer V2 launch, but this time we want to get it right, so bear with us until we are 100% sure that is ready to launch, we will keep you updated throughout this whole process.

Here is what’s coming with the Unilayer V2 release:

  • New & Improved landing page
  • Brand new DEX Aggregator (We will no longer be using our previous one)
  • New easy to use Staking platform and new staking smart contract
  • Brand new Pro Mode and Basic Mode interfaces
  • Fiat on ramp integration with Transak (Buy crypto with credit cards)
  • Frontend Gas selector (To ensure your limit orders execute)
Unilayer V2 Private Beta

We think that all of these features will make Unilayer V2 one of the best trading platforms out there, our goal is to capture at least 1% of the total daily volume from Uniswap, just think about how much ETH will be collected in fees alone from people using the Unilayer V2 trading platform, and the best of all is that 92% of all the ETH collected per limit order goes back to the Unilayer Stakers as rewards!

We will also be re-launching the Unilayer Launchpad and announcing a NEW IDO

That’s right! The Unilayer Launchpad is making a come back. We have addressed the smart contract gas problem that we’ve encountered, tested it in production and we’re 100% confident that the next launchpad project will be a huge success.

The next IDO project comes with a public team and skilled developers, the project idea is great and it will certainly disrupt the crypto space as a whole. We will be announcing the project and IDO date shortly after our V2 app release, so stay tuned for more details!

Introducing LAYERscan

LAYERscan landing page

What the heck is LAYERscan you might ask? when we first started working on Unilayer we saw an opportunity to bring limit orders to work on Uniswap with a very clean and easy to use User Interface, charts, analytics, portfolio manager among many others. But as time went by and we grew as a project we decided to expand the Unilayer ecosystem by creating the Unilayer Launchpad, DEX aggregator and many others.

All of these tools we’ve built were always with our community’s best interest in mind. Each and every single product we’ve created will reward the Unilayer stakers by providing ETH payouts as long as you stake your LAYER tokens in our staking portal and LAYERscan will be no different

LAYERscan will provide the following:

  • Tradingview charts for all Uniswap pairs
  • Uniswap DEX support
  • Uniswap’s pair insights
  • Whale notifications (Track Transactions of $10k or more on LAYERscan)
  • Price alerts, Transaction history, Wallet info, Liquidity info, Locked liquidity info and Trending pairs
  • Daily volume and token metrics data
  • Unilayer V2 limit orders integration on all Uniswap pairs directly on LAYERscan
  • LAYERscan sponsored marketing ads for projects, 10% of all the collected fees will go back to LAYER stakers
  • LAYERscan portfolio and token positions

And best of all is that all of these features mentioned above will be 100% FREE TO USE for everyone! LAYERscan has been secretly in development for a few weeks so expect a release shortly after V2 :)

LAYERscan pair explorer and charts

Unilayer V2 trading platform Polkadot ecosystem support

Unilayer Polkadot Support

Cross chain support is one of the things that we always looked to integrate when we first created Unilayer, we will always support Ethereum but sometimes the gas fees can a little high. That’s one of the big reasons of why we decided to build on Polkadot, we will be bringing all of our trading tools to the Polkadot ecosystem and expand Unilayer by allowing cross chain compatibility.

Polkadot will be one of the first chains that we will be integrating/supporting on Unilayer, here are some others that we’re currently looking to integrate in the near future:

  • Binance Smart Chain
  • xDAI Layer 2
  • TRON

Thank you for being part of our great community

About UniLayer

UniLayer is a Decentralised Finance (DeFi) solution, a set of smart contracts, sitting on top of the Ethereum Blockchain (as infrastructure) and operating on UniSwap (as code logic) by providing users with an extensive toolset for automating their trading and liquidity operations on UniSwap.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Unilayer_

Telegram: https://t.me/unilayer

Unilayer trading app: https://unilayer.app

Unilayer info website: https://unilayer.info

